RE: Oracle 9i hints that are obsolete in 11gR2
From: Sayan Sergeevich Malakshinov <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:45:21 +0400
Message-ID: <>
In addition, i've just remembered that bypass_ujvc is deprecated now and also was changed formats of FIRST_ROWS and PARALLEL (ie, parameters)
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:45:21 +0400
Message-ID: <>
In addition, i've just remembered that bypass_ujvc is deprecated now and also was changed formats of FIRST_ROWS and PARALLEL (ie, parameters)
-- Best regards, Sayan Malakshinov wrote 27.03.2014 11:36:36:Received on Thu Mar 27 2014 - 08:45:21 CET
> RE: Oracle 9i hints that are obsolete in 11gR2
> Jonathan Lewis
> There are some problems with changes in implementation and meaning,
though, e.g:
> push_subq in the main body used to push all subqueries, now it doesn't
work unless you specify which query block it applies to or put the hint in
> the query block
> use_concat() doesn't always work as it used to - some cases of
concatentation have turned into in-list iteration
> ordered is dangerous since changes in unnesting and view merging may
mean that the transformed statement has its tables in an order in it from
> clause that you weren't expected
> There are various "deprecated" hints listed in the upgrade manuals - I
haven't tested whether any of them simply don't work (properly) any more, or
> whether they still work but you shouldn't be using them.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
> _at_jloracle