RE: OMF or not OMF? DBCA or Manual scripts
From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:54:44 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>
> chopt only does part of the job -- might make you legal, but all the stuff
> is still going to hang around on the database side and to someone that wants
> it clean, it's rather annoying and still hard to get rid of/uninstall.
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:54:44 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>
> chopt only does part of the job -- might make you legal, but all the stuff
> is still going to hang around on the database side and to someone that wants
> it clean, it's rather annoying and still hard to get rid of/uninstall.
For posterity (although the table will certainly get mangled).
MOS references to remove options from 10.1:
EM Repository 278100.1 Oracle Workspace Manager 731576.1 Oracle Ultra Search 283292.1 Oracle Text 280713.1 Spatial 179472.1 Oracle interMedia 284573.1, 329600.1 Data Mining 297551.1 Oracle XML Database 1292089.1 Oracle Java Packages 276554.1 JServer JAVA Virtual Machine JVM Oracle XDK for Java JVM Expression Filter JVM OLAP Catalog 1060023.1, 565773.1, 1449652.1, 332351.1, 2 SRs OLAP Analytic Workspace OLAP Oracle OLAP API OLAP
This added weeks to my upgrade from 10.1 to 11.2. Yes, some of these, like Java and XML were added back post-upgrade. OLAP by far was the worst to remove, as even the blessed scripts from Oracle Support didn't completely remove OLAP. I ended up having to fix the broken 10.1 "deinstall" myself.
I now delete the Oracle-supplied DBCA templates after install.
-- on Tue Mar 25 2014 - 20:54:44 CET