RE: Reading from an Excel table into an Oracle table or list to use in a query

From: Jeff Smith <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 20:13:01 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <cd666ccb-8ccd-493c-81f0-1d59b5972e09_at_default>

For SQL Developer, it's pretty straightforward  

Right click on a table, Import Data. Answer the questions. We'll suck the data in.  

If it's a LOT of data, or if you're going to be doing this frequently, going the way of external tables or SQL*Loader is probably the way to go.  


From: William Threlfall [] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 6:28 PM
Subject: Reading from an Excel table into an Oracle table or list to use in a query  

Hi experts,  

I just spent 2 hours searching online for a way to do this, without success. Why is this difficult? This was simple to do in FoxPro!  

Anyway, I have been given an Excel file containing a list of patient ID's, and need to extract certain lab results for those specific patients.

The obvious way to do this would be to read the patient id's into a list structure (call it PATLIST) and then in the query use WHERE patient_info.pat_id IN PATLIST to filter the results. Alternatively, I can possibly create a table called PATLIST and use WHERE patient_info.pat_id = PATLIST.pat_id to filter the results.

However, I am stuck because I can't find any information on how to read an Excel file into an Oracle table or list structure.

I can export the Excel file into a CSV text file if necessary, but I can't find a way to read a text file into an Oracle table or list structure either.  

Will someone please tell me how to do this simply and easily?

I am using SQL Developer, connecting remotely to the database. I don't have access to do anything on the server, and I don't have any ability to do anything that would require DBA or SysAdmin access.  

Cheers, - Bill.  

Willliam J. (Bill) Threlfall, MSc

Clinical Informatics Coordinator - OTTR

Transplant Services, University of Alberta Hospital

Alberta Health Services

Aberhart Centre, Room 9221

8440 112 Street

Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7  

Telephone: 780-407-6175 FAX: 780-407-8981  

Alberta Health Services          

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