Re: Using Redhat utility 'screen' with oracle install GUI and x11 forwarding
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 17:08:01 -0500
Message-ID: <>
The forwarding works. 'screen' is a linux utility. It lets you leave your remote session and it keeps running on the server. Its like running nohup, but you can do it with something interactive like sqlplus. Then reconnect later. your session keeps running.
I am looking to see if anyone knows how to get x11 to work with screen. I can re-attach to my unix session, but I think my x11 projection is gone.
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Lange, Kevin G <>wrote:
> Did you xhost + to allow the forwarding ?
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Dba DBA
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:49 PM
> *To:* ORACLE-L
> *Subject:* Using Redhat utility 'screen' with oracle install GUI and x11
> forwarding
> Redhat 6 64 bit
> clusterware install
> xming run on laptop
> I have to get behind a firewall, so I go to a specified unix server and
> then execute
> ssh -X oracle_at_<IP>
> In putty I use
> x11 forwarding
> x display option: localhost:0.0
> I do not set the DISPLAY parameter in unix since I am using x11
> forwarding. So its a little different.
> I ran screen, executed the server. Was able to get back into the server
> and re-attach to my session.
> How do I get back into the x11 forwarding of the GUI installer? I think I
> did this a few years ago, but I can't remember how. I need to kick off
> installs and leave, plus my VPN can drop me during the install.
> I am re-attached to my screen session, but dont know how to get back into
> the GUI installer.
> anyone know?
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-- on Thu Feb 20 2014 - 23:08:01 CET