Re: Oracle Installer on Linux - issue with X windows
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:46:42 -0600
Message-ID: <>
I prefer using VNC instead of X11 forwarding. Install and start vncserver for the oracle user, then you can use the VNC client of your choice.
On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 3:21 PM, CRISLER, JON A <> wrote:
> I was going to suggest the same thing: try xming . It sounds like your
> problem is purely a xwindows issue, so make sure that things like xclock ,
> xeyes or other basic xwin type programs work first. I would say your
> problem is not Exceed specifically but a newer version would not hurt J Sometimes X progs that work fine under root fail when you su to another
> user, as the various things that are used to support X are not enherited by
> the switched user: in that case ssh directly to the box as your install
> user (typically the "oracle" user but whatever is your standard).
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *max scalf
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 30, 2014 3:34 PM
> *To:* Niall Litchfield;
> *Cc:* ORACLE-L
> *Subject:* RE: Oracle Installer on Linux - issue with X windows
> I ran into similar situation doing Rac install...we were using
> exceed as well and suggestions was to move to higher version of exceed. As
> we couldn't do that I installed something called Xming and that worked for
> me. So try Xming, it open source.
> Thank you
> ------------------------------
> *From: *Niall Litchfield <>
> *Sent: *1/30/2014 2:09 PM
> *To: *
> *Cc: *ORACLE-L <>
> *Subject: *Re: Oracle Installer on Linux - issue with X windows
> I'd recommend either a silent install or a clone home as outlined
> . If you have a
> large estate and do this regularly say for patching then look into em12c
> deployment procedures (but I would say that wouldn't I )
> I am trying to install Oracle on Redhat Enterprise Linux (6.4). I
> have no physical access to the console, so I have to run the installer
> remotely. Here is what I have done:
> - On my PC (Windows 7 ), I start Exceed (version 10).
> - On the server I set the DISPLAY to point to the xserver on my PC (export
> DISPLAY=<ip address>:0).
> - To verify the connection a start xclock from the server.
> - ./runInstaller
> The installer starts and gives no errors, but the xwindow from the
> installer never appears on my PC screen.
> The command ps -lf | grep oracle shows that the installer is running.
> The command_output_nnnn file shows information about my xserver, the
> software version, color and resolution specs... so that I know that the
> installer is talking to it.
> One of the DBAs told me that I need version 14 of Exceed. Has anyone else
> run into this issue and is there a workaround?
> BTW, running xterm is not an option in our environment, apparently for
> security reasons.
> Thanks,
> Peter Schauss
> --
-- Don Seiler -- on Thu Jan 30 2014 - 22:46:42 CET