RE: changing seq number
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 20:03:34 +0000
Message-ID: <4AF37DF85FABC641A090D23044A9C9B476521650_at_EXMBWLM01.TRAVELCLICK.NET>
Try this:
- Mayen
From: [] On Behalf Of Zelli, Brian Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:59 PM To: oracle-l ( Subject: changing seq number
Ok, I try and alter a seq number and it doesn't seem to take. I change the increment and from what I read if I run the nextval command it is supposed to increment it but it doesn't. How can I change the last_value to exactly what I need it to be?
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-- on Thu Jan 30 2014 - 21:03:34 CET