RE: "Sticky" Archived logs
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:17:10 -0500
Message-ID: <96FC82DA2FD4354D9A8B8434B6E7003D263D5A8E_at_COL0SGEM20.AD.DLA.MIL>
Run the following on your standby database. Does it show you what might be happening?
select a.open_mode, a.database_role, b.recovery_mode from v$database a, v$archive_dest_status b where b.dest_id = 1;
column value format a15;
select name,
substr(VALUE,2,2)*(24*60*60) + substr(VALUE,5,2)*(60*60) + substr(VALUE,8,2)*(60) + substr(VALUE,11,2) secs_behind, time_computed
from v$dataguard_stats where NAME in ('apply lag','transport lag');
column stby_process format a12;
column prim_process format a12;
select process stby_process,client_process
from v$managed_standby
order by 1,4;
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Howard Latham
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 10:49 AM
Subject: "Sticky" Archived logs
Oracle 11 Redhat Linux 4 Physical DG.
Anyone ever seen this?
My standby stopped advancing. So I did what I always do crashed the
recovery and ran it manually. This usually highlights the problem or
even cures it. But All I get is one archived log applied then it froze
I have done this several times and each time the 'stuck' log is applied
almost immediately then the db apply stops again. No errors just a lot
of silence!
-- Howard A. Latham -- on Fri Jan 24 2014 - 17:17:10 CET