Re: Question re security
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 20:34:24 +1100
Message-ID: <>
On 22/01/2014 10:06 AM, De DBA wrote:
> No, I don't have a problem reading, and I did notice your short fuse
> before... ;)
REALLY? And let me see: you're going to "make an example" to "teach" me?
> You are however making the (very common) and often fatal
> mistake to underestimate "normal office workers".
And you are making the very typical mistake of assuming the decision to
change ports was mine.
I did not say it was, but "I'm the best so I can insinuate whatever I
want" people like you always fail on that very simple point:
gathering REAL FACTS before spouting off against other members of the
Keep it up, you'll soon be swilling lots of beer and participating in all "community meetings" yelling at each other how good you all are. Problem is no one outside is listening, but heck: knock yourself out!
> Script kiddies
> eventually do graduate from high school and more often than not end
> up working in an office as a "normal office worker".
Are you sure you have worked in an office of late? As a full time worker, not an expen$ive extermal con-sultant/con-tractor?
> This is why so
> many attacks seem to be initiated from inside the network.
Most attacks are generated from inside the network by folks that are
either contractors or take advantage of "holes" created by prior
Get your facts right.
> worked in many situations where "normal office workers" surprised by
> knowing more about the network and how to circumvent the defences
> than the network admins who put them in place!
Sure, they are all TCP/IP and network hacking experts! Do you even realise the extent of the nonsense you are spouting?
> Unless you personally know every worker in your office, and know
> exactly which devices can connect (wirelessly) to the internal
> network, you should expect knowledgeable persons to have internal
> access.
And they do. And they can be traced back when they step outside of the
established boundaries.
And they ARE traced back.
And surprise, surprise: in the last 7 years it's been ALWAYS an external
contractor who has either left an open door or tried to circumvent the
existing limits.
They've all been treated accordingly, every single one of them.
That is one of the reasons why we are VERY reluctant to hire external
"experts" and folks like me get a full time job that is not replaced by
the first
"I'm an expert" idiot.
As usual, this list has produced a couple of good replies and heaps of
silly noise by would be "aces".
Quite frankly, for the value I get from the nonsense, ill-disguised
product advertising and ego-boosting and character assassination that
goes on here, it's not worth wasting any time.
Good bye all, and keep yelling at each other how good you all are.
I'm sure the 6 (SIX!) registrations for 2013's UG conference in NSW and
hardly any more for Victoria's is an ample demonstration of the "value"
of this "Community" format.
You all deserve in full the consequences.
-- on Wed Jan 22 2014 - 10:34:24 CET