Re: Question re security

From: Hans Forbrich <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:17:23 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On 20/01/2014 7:44 PM, De DBA wrote:
> Performing a port scan is trivial and quick, and probably something
> every script kiddy has started his attack with since the beginning of time
With "BYOD', nearly all of my customers have port scanners (eg: from on their system these days. I see them in regular use by people who generally should have no interest in such things, but with the hype in privacy, they want to see 'who is watching them'. Open ports on the servers these customers attach to are very easy to find, and the standard ones are often identified by the scanners. Unusual ones are 'investigated'..

Once upon a time, back in the 90s and early 2000s, changing the listener port was not a bad idea. Except that some DBAs got into the habit with Oracle7 of - one SID = one listener, and each listener needs it's own port. Yes, I have those customers as well, and have been trying to break them of that habit, but they 'don't get self-registration' - which can get to be a pain on non-standard ports unless you standardize to the non-standard ports.

Received on Tue Jan 21 2014 - 14:17:23 CET

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