Re: Performance Monitoring Tools for Standard Edition

From: kyle Hailey <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 23:12:13 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Yes, I'll second that. Lab 128 is a great tool. It starts up faster than any tool I've ever used and runs in less memory (though it's grown over the years). This is a big deal. Though I love DB Optimizer because I designed much of the tool, it's written in Java and takes about 30 seconds to start up and uses about 200M of memory. Not a big deal these days, I guess, but I love lab 128 as it starts up in couple of seconds, and uses 60M or so (use to be about 10M)

Lab 128 has a nice interface, has the interface to ASH, collects ASH either on it's own or will use v$active_session_history if you tell it to.

Lab128 will also concurrently monitor 10-20 databases where as DB Optimizer would only do one. (though there are a ways to hack it to monitor mutiple and store it all in one Oracle repository)

Lab128 has nice interfaces to active sessions, what they are doing, how long their queries have been running etc and Sergei is still updating the tool a actively.

Disappointed that no one wants to take me up on web enabled ASH, W-ASH.



On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 5:57 AM, Jeremy Schneider <> wrote:

> I have used lab128 and it's probably my favorite tool (outside of the free
> version of OEM). Good price IMO too.
> -Jeremy
> --
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 4:26 AM, Ls Cheng <> wrote:
>> lab128 seems a good choice, I have not used it personally but ear good
>> stuff about it

Received on Sat Jan 18 2014 - 08:12:13 CET

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