Re: DB slow after bounce (Windows)
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:06:12 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Actually the sever hasnt't been rebooted, am thinking about bouncing it if the problem persists ( it's been increasing performance, but slowly)
On Friday, 17 January 2014, TJ Kiernan <> wrote:
> First impression, based on the virtual memory i/o – the assumption being
> that it was set correctly and running fine ,then somebody (or Group Policy)
> unset this and it took affect when the server was rebooted.
> HTH,
> T. J.
> *From:* <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> '');> [<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');>]
> *On Behalf Of *David Ramírez Reyes
> *Sent:* Friday, January 17, 2014 4:42 PM
> *To:* ' <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> '');>' ( <javascript:_e({},
> 'cvml', '');>)
> *Subject:* DB slow after bounce (Windows)
> I have Oracle over Windows 2008.
> Yesterday we had to bounce the instance due to an ora-04031 error caused
> by the Automatic Memory Management system, the error is solved by patching
> to or higher (that's not the problem now).
> The main problem is that after bounce (I had to kill the oracle.exe
> service as I couldn't even connect with sys account), the DB it's beeing so
> slow. Checking the OEM Performance, I have found that the reason is a very
> high I/O (virtual memory), but the difference in use is huge!
> The I/O was very low and constant before the bounce (at least on the last
> 10 days), but now has growth about 3 or 4 times.
> I've found some high I/O queries that I have tuned, but they were running
> faster before the bounce, any idea?
> I have red that some people has have similar problems but under Solaris,
> seems like it's only solved after bouncing the server, not only the
> instance.
> Any inputs are appreciated.
> David Ramírez Reyes
-- David Ramírez Reyes Profesión: Padre de Familia -- on Sat Jan 18 2014 - 00:06:12 CET