Re: 3 par recovery manager for Oracle (HP Product)
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 13:51:45 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Storage snapshots are awesome and fast and useful in so many ways, but not all ways. Here's a bit more marketing describing the other side of that coin:
So, consider a mix of both of those strategies. It's been discussed in Oracle-L before, but a better approach is to not think of "backup requirements", but rather "recovery requirements". When that is properly defined, then the technology choices become much clearer.
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Dba DBA <>wrote:
> Some SAs are talking to us about using this instead of doing standard RMAN
> backups. This is a large data center environment with 1000s of DBs. I
> really don't know anything about it other than the marketing I just
> googled. We have alot of RAC, data guard, DBs can get to be many terabytes,
> etc...
> anyone use this? Does it do anything useful? I can't tell much from the
> marketing.
-- on Thu Jan 09 2014 - 19:51:45 CET