Has anyone experienced Oracle 11gr2 rdbms with Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform?
From: Gus Spier <gus.spier_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 14:58:35 -0500
Message-ID: <CAG8xnidW_BxR-JLZj4yjy-MK1=ttdE0TioaPfCjfDwggWAdeGg_at_mail.gmail.com>
Those unfortunate people whose task it is to make difficult decisions have chanced upon a candidate solution to a very taxing and unpleasant configuration have elected to ressurrect the current set of capabilities with a combination of *VMWare*, *Red Hat Linux v5.3*, *Oracle 11gr2*, and *Hitachi
Virtual Storage Platform*.
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 14:58:35 -0500
Message-ID: <CAG8xnidW_BxR-JLZj4yjy-MK1=ttdE0TioaPfCjfDwggWAdeGg_at_mail.gmail.com>
Those unfortunate people whose task it is to make difficult decisions have chanced upon a candidate solution to a very taxing and unpleasant configuration have elected to ressurrect the current set of capabilities with a combination of *VMWare*, *Red Hat Linux v5.3*, *Oracle 11gr2*, and *Hitachi
Virtual Storage Platform*.
To me it is clear that the first thing I have to determine is if Oracle database products are certified to work with that kind of lash-up. While I go swirling down the rabbit hole to find the correct document to confirm or deny that architecture will work, anyone with an opinion is welcome to chime in and offer advice, technique, or clever bon mots on the situation.
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Tue Jan 07 2014 - 20:58:35 CET