Re: EXTERNAL: OT: Linux vendor survey results
From: Matthew Zito <>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 09:37:14 -0500
Message-ID: <>
From my discussions with people who switched to OEL, it's two things:
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 09:37:14 -0500
Message-ID: <>
From my discussions with people who switched to OEL, it's two things:
- OEL is cheaper than Red Hat, at least for those without all-you-can-eat enterprise licenses
- People prefer calling Oracle for support on their entire platform, at least for their database servers, which strikes me as crazy, but hey, what do I know
It's worth noting that I have never met a company that has moved *all* of their servers to OEL, just ones that have moved their database servers.
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Grabowy, Chris <>wrote:
> So I am not surprised by the answers for the first two questions.
> However for the third question I am surprised that 62% favor Oracle Linux.
> My limited understanding is that for the most part Oracle Linux is a copy
> of Redhat Linux. And that Oracle has made some changes to Oracle Linux,
> but are those changes that compelling? Or is there some other factor that
> I am missing here?
> Thanks,
> Chris
-- on Tue Dec 03 2013 - 15:37:14 CET