Re: Force matching and SQL plan management
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 06:19:32 +0000
Message-ID: <DUB406-EAS110EE0B935FB9A8565DB815A1E30_at_phx.gbl>
> 1. Would putting this in place avoid hard parsing or would it still go though the hard parse phase(even with profile is set). Do note the signature(force_matching_signature is same for this type of SQL)
You'd probably want to be looking at an outline-style profile with force_match set to true. See Oracle-supplied script coe_xfr_sql_profile.sql available from Oracle Support website.
> 2. Can this be done with SQL Plan Baseline, as i rather use Baseline instead of profile. As Baseline seems to work for me in the past and profile sometimes do not work.
Baselines do not offer the same force matching capability, at least not in 11g. They also have the potential to increase the parsing overhead as they always generate the best cost plan first before trying to reproduce the baselined plan with multiple strategies if unsuccessful.
-- on Sat Nov 23 2013 - 07:19:32 CET