Comparing Cardinality Estimates with Results

From: Larry Elkins <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 16:34:43 -0600
Message-id: <002b01cee252$e168f1f0$a43ad5d0$_at_net>

Stephane Faroult, who is having trouble posting to the list right now, asked me to pose this question on his behalf:

  I am currently working on an application of hell (Entity/Attribute/Value all over the place, unpartitioned tables in the 200 million to 3 billion row range, blanket indexing, cluster factor usually very low, hard-coded queries with long lists of identifiers, cursor_sharing set to force ... and the bulk of the work of course done in Java). In a few cases the optimizer goes south, which is understandable and seems to be more or less corrected by more aggressive dynamic sampling (the application isn't too demanding on Oracle CPU). However, I was curious to compare, globally, cardinality estimates with actual results. I wrote the following query, which is a kind of first draft (warning: requires the performance pack, I query the dba_hist tables), in which I try to collect the "last level" of cardinality estimate as reported in the plan (I know, rather meaningless with aggregates, but that's the best I have come up with so far; improvements are welcome) for queries during a precise interval. I have set three categories, "Spot on" when the order of magnitude is the same for the estimate and the actual average, "Off" when there is one order of magnitude of difference (either way) and "Gone South" if it's more than that. I was rather surprised to discover that queries were more or less equally distributed between the three categories. I would be curious to know how the optimizer performs, cardinality-wise, in other environments and what could be considered "reasonably stable".

with q as

    (select d.dbid,
            round(s.begin_interval_time, 'HH24') snap_hour
     from dba_hist_snapshot s
          cross join

(select dbid
from v$database) d cross join
(select instance_number
from v$instance) i where s.dbid = d.dbid and s.instance_number = i.instance_number and s.begin_interval_time >= to_timestamp('&start_YYYYMMDDHHMI', /*start YYYYMMMDDHH */ 'YYYYMMDDHH24MI') and s.end_interval_time <= to_timestamp('&end_YYYYMMDDHHMI', /*end YYYYMMDDHH */ 'YYYYMMDDHH24MI')) select * from (select case actual_cardinality when estimated_cardinality then 'Spot on' else case when abs(round(log(10, greatest(actual_cardinality, 1) /greatest(estimated_cardinality, 1)))) < 1 then 'Off' else 'Gone south' end end as cardinality_estimate, count(*) number_of_plans from (select s.dbid, s.sql_id, s.plan_hash_value, round(log(10, greatest(avg(rows_processed_delta), 1))) actual_cardinality, round(avg(rows_processed_delta)) as actual from q inner join dba_hist_sqlstat s on s.dbid = q.dbid and s.instance_number = q.instance_number and s.snap_id = q.snap_id group by s.dbid, s.sql_id, s.plan_hash_value) a inner join (select x.sql_id, x.plan_hash_value, round(log(10, greatest(sum(x.cardinality), 1))) as estimated_cardinality, sum(x.cardinality) as estimate from (select dbid, sql_id, plan_hash_value, cardinality, rank() over (partition by dbid, plan_hash_value order by id) rnk from dba_hist_sql_plan where cardinality is not null) x where x.rnk = 1 group by x.sql_id, x.plan_hash_value) b on b.sql_id = a.sql_id and b.plan_hash_value = a.plan_hash_value group by case actual_cardinality when estimated_cardinality then 'Spot on' else case when abs(round(log(10, greatest(actual_cardinality, 1) /greatest(estimated_cardinality, 1)))) < 1 then 'Off' else 'Gone south' end end) order by case cardinality_estimate when 'Spot on' then 1 when 'Off' then 2 else 3 end


Larry G. Elkins
Cell: 214.695.8605

Received on Fri Nov 15 2013 - 23:34:43 CET

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