Re: Practice of using chopt to disable database options
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:44:24 +0000
Message-Id: <>
In a word, yes.
The docs say that all additional cost options are enabled by default and will be installed. You must pay for them if you use them.
Note the word use.
However, in a past life, I was audited by Oracle and because we had installed the options, we were in breach, and had to pay rather a large sum of money.
The real licensing docs are hidden away, on the web, and difficult to find. Oracle use those as the definitive answer, and somewhere on page 37 (if memory serves) it states that you must pay for everything installed.
Note the word installed.
Search the list archives for audit, starving, leopard and you should find a thread on this very matter.
You pay for what you install.
However, I'm pretty sure that this sneaky practice of forcing you to pay for stuff Oracle install or enable by default, hidden away on the installer, and with contradictory docs, plus enabling the tuning and diagnostic pack in all newly created databases (at least in 11g) or adding back the options you disabled with chopt or make, when you patch (10205) is probably illegal.
But, I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one in my wildest sexual fantasies, so best not take my word for it!
Norm. (in bed!)
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-- on Thu Nov 14 2013 - 23:44:24 CET