netca - interesting "feature"
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:02:48 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Today I was testing my Xwindows server on my laptop and bringing up some of the assistants on a remote server using my PC ip address as the DISPLAY destination. (A new cygwin install that I was playing with).
We have servers in 2 different domains and one of them is a 9.2 database home (and this server has some high latency back to our workstations).
So I brought up NETCA from the Oracle_Home/bin directory and once I verified it would display on my PC, I did a control-c on the server to cancel the gui interface.
*HOWEVER* - this version of netca apparently moves your existing tnsnames.ora file to a backup (I had always thought it just created a new backup file) and writes a new tnsnames.ora file with the contents of the now renamed tnsnames.ora file.
The reason I suspect this is what is happening is because when I killed the gui, I had a successful TNSNames backup, *but* the existing tnsnames.ora file was incomplete - the data in the file just stopped in the middle of a tns entry.
Is this a known issue I've just run into or is it an old easter egg? ;)
I was like "Really, Oracle? REALLY?"
-- on Tue Nov 12 2013 - 23:02:48 CET