Re: Exadata backups
From: Viljo Hakala <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:50:05 +0200
Message-Id: <>
With some experience of DataDomain using RMAN, you can use multiple channels but in practice for de-duplication to work effectively only 1 file per set or image copy.
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:50:05 +0200
Message-Id: <>
With some experience of DataDomain using RMAN, you can use multiple channels but in practice for de-duplication to work effectively only 1 file per set or image copy.
As mentioned in the following document.
Guillermo Alan Bort <> kirjoitti 28.10.2013 kello 23.41:
> If you have a ZFS appliance, then the RMAN backup can actually be offloaded
> to the storage cells. That alone make exadata + zfs a LOT better than
> exadata + DD.
> I've worked a couple of times with DD, but only over ethernet, and I was
> not impressed by the performance and there were a lot of limitations
> regarding number of channels and such.
-- on Mon Oct 28 2013 - 22:50:05 CET