DB Link issue while using it remotely
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 21:49:05 +0000
Message-ID: <DD179917255B1146B9367DC5E7C0DDB001578DD9_at_MSPM1BMSGM36.ent.core.medtronic.com>
When I try to use the database link of a schema remotely then I get the error ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified.
If I login to the server, hosting the database, login to the schema owner using SQL*PLus and use the database link then it works fine as my primary method of database connectivity resolution is LDAP. But if I try to use the DB link from toad or SQL*Plus from my laptop then I get the above error. After trial and error I found out that if I added the databases to tnsnmaes.ora file on the server then the DB link works from remote (TOAD or laptop). But no idea what is the root cause.
Let me know if you have experienced the similar issue and explain the root cause of the problem.
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