occurs ORA-01031 when create view with DBA privilege
From: LuoLee.me <luolee.me_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:23:41 +0800
Message-ID: <ca7ecdc2-bc8e-4fdb-acc7-30eee7a5f6ba_at_getmailbird.com>
Dear lists,
I migrate a database using expdp/impdp and exp/imp today. When I export a database using expdp, there isn't any errors. But there are some views, procedure and others error, so I compile it manually.
When I re-compile some view, it says ORA-01031, but I have grant dba to the specail user. When I see the errors, I try to re-compile it again and again. I grant select on the the special table to the very user, it didn't take. If I just select the special view on the fly other than create it, it will list ok. I didn't understand why it occur ORA-01031 here ? Thanks all in advance!
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:23:41 +0800
Message-ID: <ca7ecdc2-bc8e-4fdb-acc7-30eee7a5f6ba_at_getmailbird.com>
Dear lists,
I migrate a database using expdp/impdp and exp/imp today. When I export a database using expdp, there isn't any errors. But there are some views, procedure and others error, so I compile it manually.
When I re-compile some view, it says ORA-01031, but I have grant dba to the specail user. When I see the errors, I try to re-compile it again and again. I grant select on the the special table to the very user, it didn't take. If I just select the special view on the fly other than create it, it will list ok. I didn't understand why it occur ORA-01031 here ? Thanks all in advance!
All the best,
Mobile: +86 15651803071
See me: http://luolee.me [http://luolee.me]
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Mon Oct 07 2013 - 17:23:41 CEST