Re: Oracle Standby and RAMN CATALOG
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 13:36:16 +1000
Message-ID: <>
I've never seen this happen, but it looks to me that the connection that fails is not to the catalog. I read it as RMAN is trying to connect to the primary in order to resync the catalog, and that name (the primary) does not resolve. Did you check that tnsnames.ora on the machine/home that you are running RMAN from has an entry for the primary? The tns alias should be the same as what is defined in log_archive_config on the standby, I imagine.
On 02/10/13 20:30, Outsider wrote:
> Dear experts,
> I have physical data guard implemented and I also scheduled the backup of
> database with cron on Linux to IBM tape. Everything was fine for about 6
> months.
> few days ago I realized that backup is not performed from standby database.
> After same investigation I found out that this is because RMAN from standby
> DB wants to resync catalog but can't connect to catalog database which is
> separate database.
-- on Fri Oct 04 2013 - 05:36:16 CEST