Object constructor function
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 08:19:56 +1000
Message-ID: <CAC-6Hs0YZgrt48=12odUExev9iJU_LXCLW_mJFALUC+9Oo25LQ_at_mail.gmail.com>
Using ...
I have a scenario where I am storing a json-encoded string in a clob column in a table. I have an object type whose constructor function takes a json-encoded clob. Obviously the parsing of the json string takes some time but on a 'one-object-instantiation-per-row' basis it was acceptable.
However, it seems that Oracle is re-executing the constructor function for every object-type.attribute I reference in a query.
Here's a simple example:
create or replace type t1 as object(
col1 varchar2(10),constructor function t1(i_txt in varchar2) return self as result
,col2 number
,col3 date
create or replace type body t1 as
constructor function t1(i_txt in varchar2) return self as result deterministic as
l_p1 number; l_p2 number;
dbms_output.put_line('In t1 constructor'); l_p1 := instr(i_txt, '|'); l_p2 := instr(i_txt, '|', l_p1 + 1); self.col1 := substr(i_txt, 1, l_p1 - 1);self.col2 := to_number(substr(i_txt, l_p1 + 1, l_p2 - l_p1 - 1)); self.col3 := to_date(substr(i_txt, l_p2 + 1), 'YYYYMMDD'); return;
From sqlplus:
SQL> with o as ( select t1('hello|123|20131001') obj from dual ) 2 select x.obj.col1, x.obj.col2, x.obj.col3 from o x;
OBJ.COL1 OBJ.COL2 OBJ.COL3 ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------ hello 123 01-OCT-13
In t1 constructor
In t1 constructor
In t1 constructor
Does anyone have any ideas how I can prevent this once-per-attribute execution of the constructor?
I even tried materialising the 'with' query but no joy ...
SQL> with o as ( select /*+ materialize */ t1('hello|123|20131001') obj
from dual )
2 select x.obj.col1, x.obj.col2, x.obj.col3 from o x;
with o as ( select /*+ materialize */ t1('hello|123|20131001') obj from
dual )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-00902: invalid datatype
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