Re: RMAN restore/recover problem
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:13:21 +0100
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Hi Jo,
On 28/08/13 17:03, Jo Holvoet wrote:
> the current incarnation dates from 2011. So, no recent resetlogs.
> As I replied to Alan, I think the cause may be that I don't have a
> sufficiently "old" controlfile to work with ...--
Yes, I saw that reply. Time to slap a Unix guy by the sound of things. ;-)
At the risk of poking you with a sharp stick, does your company/DBAs practice recoveries?
Andrew mentioned recreating the controlfile from a trace, and trying to recover again. I've never done that, but if your backup data is in the controlfile, you'll need to re-catalogue all the backups again. :-(
I think you said you were using a catalog[ue] so you should be ok with that.
Good luck, and please, let me know how it went, I'm interested. Thanks. (If you get time that is.)
-- Norman Dunbar Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd Registered address: 27a Lidget Hill Pudsey West Yorkshire United Kingdom LS28 7LG Company Number: 05132767 -- on Wed Aug 28 2013 - 18:13:21 CEST