OCM clarifications

From: Kumar Madduri <ksmadduri_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 08:16:56 -0700
Message-ID: <CAHDOOG6cC5+wNYXf_SsVoUsMnpNo4+yAWH3SHFyfnrPmqVHj4Q_at_mail.gmail.com>

I was considering to take the OCM exam and had a few thoughts/questions which I hope the list can help
- When I read the blogs of those who passed OCM and general material, I
understood that it is about speed. If you have worked as a DBA for few years and have worked in most of the 'skill sets' you can probably pass the exam with distinction if given (let us say 3 hrs per skill set. I am just throwing up some number).
So if it is only speed that is going to matter, then is it worth. I mean, how many times would we be given a task in which I have to create a database in 10 minutes.
  • It would be disheartening to know if I did not pass the exam and it is not an inexpensive exam. I may feel "oh wow, I cannot pass the exam after working on all these areas for x number of years ".
  • If you have an OCM on your resume, is it not a double edged sword ? The DBAs in an organization that is hiring would be apprehensive if they want to hire an OCM (if they are not already OCM) (could be various reasons - expensive, attitude , do we really need an OCM level for this job or any other combination).
  • One thing I could think of is, it is not for anything but for our own satisfaction that I could take this exam. It is the personal gratification and satisfaction that I am an OCM and to blog and crow about it :)

Thank you

Received on Sun Jul 21 2013 - 17:16:56 CEST

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