RE: how to improve impdp

From: Hsieh, Joan <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 17:14:12 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, Allen.
I'll try it later. My database is Your information is very valuable. ORACLE SR had asked me to generate a trace file for them to review.

Thank you again.


From: Allen, Brandon [] Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:48 PM
To: Hsieh, Joan; Subject: RE: how to improve impdp

Hi Joan,

Regarding the slowness of your "drop user cascade" statement - you may be encountering bug 6915130 if you're on Oracle 10.2, or maybe a similar bug in different versions. The work around is to drop all the user's objects first (use SQL* to create a script for doing this quickly) and then drop the user.


*Something like this should work:

set term off
spool drop_tables.sql
set pages 0
set lines 150
set head off
set feed off
select 'drop table ' || owner || '.' || table_name || ' cascade constraints;' from dba_tables where owner = '<USERNAME>' order by table_name; spool off
set head on
set feed on
set pages 1000
set term on

From: "Hsieh, Joan" <<>>

Subject: RE: how to improve impdp

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 18:31:50 +0000

Hi David,

The database is dataguard environment, so it has to be in archive mode. In cutover time windows, I don't want to break the standby database and have to recreate it later. Our cutover time is combined the AIX database move to LINUX and one peopletools upgrade. So there are two projects going on in the same open window. Peoplesoft tech team it is ok just import data only without the statistics and indexes since both can be taken care in the peoplesoft upgrade. I'm trying to do another test without statistics and indexes.

"Drop user sysadm cascase" on the new LINUX server take almost the whole day to finish. That's another issue.


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Received on Wed Jul 10 2013 - 19:14:12 CEST

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