Re: Opinion on change control for DBA scripts
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:48:30 -0300
Message-ID: <>
First off, I would go that that VP, give them all the information you have, present a plan to implement change control for DBA scripts (or at least keep then in a central repository) and then kindly inform him that yelling is not an appropriate way to communicate with an employee. If he does that again, I would report him to HR for harassment. Do NOT take abuse from "bosses". EVER.
Now, I usually keep my personal scripts in my own VM and replicated to all my computers (PC, Laptop, tablet, etc) with dropbox. In one company I had toi follow strict change control procedures if I wanted to update a script in prod. (change control procedures included dev and qa testing). Now I don't have to do that for any customer so I don't. For the scripts I develop now we have a source control system in place as well as a wiki, all the scripts are stored there.
So yeah, source control is the basic safety mechanism you can use to store your scripts (the repository still needs to be backed up off server, of course)
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Sandra Becker <>wrote:
> One of our VP's yelled at me this morning and slammed my door when he left
> my office. He was angry because I didn't check my scripts into the change
> control they use for the application code so wasn't able to give him
> information no exec has asked me for in my entire tenure with the company.
> I was collecting space usage stats to enable me to track for analysis and
> planning. A few months I lost all my scripts because IT decided it wasn't
> important to back them up. Hadn't gotten around to recreating this
> particular script since I was the only person using the information. He
> also asked for information on some disk space that isn't related to any of
> my databases and I don't have access to. That's when he yelled at me to
> get him what I could and slammed my door.
> So what do most DBAs do? Do you check your scripts into source control?
> have copies? don't worry about it? I have begun keeping copies on a thumb
> drive since the second time I lost everything.
> --
> Sandy
> Transzap, Inc.
> --
-- on Wed Jun 26 2013 - 22:48:30 CEST