Rejected to advance the SCN Issues

From: Bala Krishna <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 12:59:59 +0530
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,
Almost all our Databases are affected with below errors , we suspect that its because of our distrubuted transactions .

Rejected the attempt to advance SCN over limit by 212 hours worth to 0x0c2c.ae9cc069, by distributed transaction remote logon, remote DB:
 Client info : DB logon user APPS, machine XXXXXXX, program , and OS user XXXXXXX As if now we've mitigated this issue by setting below parameters.


My question:-

  1. Distrubuted Transactions are being failed sometimes with ORA-600 , ORA-19706: invalid SCN & some instance crashes are also observed.

I've read in this blog ( and it says that

At commit time, a co-ordinated SCN is needed for the distributed transaction and maximum SCN value from all participating databases is chosen.

So which means , since there is a increase in SCN number we should be facing this kind of issues even for local transactions rather than distrubted transactions right ? but we're not facing such issues as such ?


Received on Tue Jun 25 2013 - 09:29:59 CEST

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