RE: Session migrated to another instance

From: Mark W. Farnham <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 11:53:52 -0400
Message-ID: <019f01ce6b72$de4e4bc0$9aeae340$>

That would certainly do it. I took Hemant's Original Post as a transcript.

I *thought* we were discussing server side TAF and reasons a relocation might take place the instance running without interruption where the session was located before the relocation.

I'm not sure what actions a dba might undertake on a session to force it to relocate, and I'm also not sure what network events might cause it to relocate.

IF that is not a transcript, JL's question fits Occam's razor.

-----Original Message-----

From: Jonathan Lewis [] Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 9:53 AM
To:;;; Cc: 'Hemant K Chitale'; 'ORACLE-L'
Subject: RE: Session migrated to another instance

Or running a script which has a hidden connect in it ?

Jonathan Lewis

From: [] on behalf of David Fitzjarrell [] Sent: 17 June 2013 14:38
To:;; Cc: 'Hemant K Chitale'; 'ORACLE-L'
Subject: Re: Session migrated to another instance

I am inclined to believe that TAF is in play here; it's really the only answer that makes sense if you ask me.

David Fitzjarrell=

-- Received on Mon Jun 17 2013 - 17:53:52 CEST

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