ora-28001 and agent connect
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:43:47 +0000
Message-ID: <FE4C2B093843BB4B873D754E5E0BE4DB29356695_at_DCSOSVMS02.dcso.org>
I slipped up and forgot to change the password time limit on the default profile (now corrected) so they sysman and dbsnmp accounts passwords expired.
I reset them both to the same passwords as previous and can log into sqlplus with them.
I have a single 11.2 db that I use for training that I us local dbcontrol on instead of grid. When I log in to em, I get an error message saying the agent did not connect due to ora-28001.
After much googling and search of MOS, I tried the following,
1 - editing the targets.xml file and putting the unencrypted password in and setting the encrypted password flag to false. Then, restarted the dbconsole, causing it to encrypt the password. Did not work.
2 - ran the emca -deconfig dbcontrol db followed by emca -confgi dbcontrol db. Set all the passwords when requested. Config runs fine. Still can't get the agent to connect.
Emctl status agent shows the agent running, no files pending upload, etc. However, it does show the Collection Status as "disabled by upload manager".
When on the EM console page I sometimes get the green arrows for Database and LIstner being up, but red arrow for the agent. Sometimes the page will just show an agent disconnect message. Either way I can always access the database itself.
SR open with Oracle, as all the MOS notes only reference the issue with Grid Control. Their remedies all involve accessing the targets tab on GC. I have no Targets tab.
Anyone run into this and have a good fix for this?
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Fri Jun 14 2013 - 19:43:47 CEST