Re: ignorecase in password file
From: Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 10:19:56 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On 04.06.2013 10:12, Remigiusz Sokolowski wrote:
> hi,
> is there a way to determine what was the setting of the ignorecase
> argument while creating a password file?
> Regards
> Remigiusz
I was too hazy - I can just copy to test and try. But may be there is more clever trick?
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 10:19:56 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On 04.06.2013 10:12, Remigiusz Sokolowski wrote:
> hi,
> is there a way to determine what was the setting of the ignorecase
> argument while creating a password file?
> Regards
> Remigiusz
I was too hazy - I can just copy to test and try. But may be there is more clever trick?
-- Pole na kazi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Remigiusz Sokolowski <> pos : Senior DBA at DIiUSI addr : Nordea Bank Polska SA, Luzycka 6A st, 81-537 Gdynia, Poland phone : +48 58 667 17 43 mobile: +48 602 42 42 77 Nordea Bank Polska S.A. z siedziba w Gdyni, ul. Kielecka 2, 81-303 Gdynia, wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiebiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego pod numerem: 0000021828, dla której dokumentacje przechowuje Sad Rejonowy Gdansk - Pólnoc w Gdansku, VIII Wydzial Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego, o kapitale zakladowym i wplaconym w wysokosci: 277.493.500,00 zlotych, NIP: 586-000-78-20, REGON: 190024711-- on Tue Jun 04 2013 - 10:19:56 CEST