Re: Oracle DBA interview

From: John Hurley <>
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 11:31:06 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

# Thanks friends for your replies, so what you think, which is the best way to be prepared for this kind interview ?

... Well if you can find out details about who and what is going to be "tested" in the interview that gives you the best chance to be adequately prepared.

No one has any certain idea of what might be asked everyone here is guessing and giving some ideas of what they have seen themselves or heard other people have been tasked with.

Be confident in yourself and assuming that have the relevant background that matches what they are looking for you should do fine.  If you do not know the answer to a question do not fake it.

Received on Sun Jun 02 2013 - 20:31:06 CEST

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