LOB Operation and SQL*Net Message From Client and cursor #0
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 20:22:44 -0500
Message-id: <002b01ce4541$379474f0$a6bd5ed0$_at_net> EE on AIX 6.1
Any known instrumentation issues / oddities when fetching LOBS?
Tracing a process, 10046 level 8, 91% of the time on sql*net message from client, with 99.8% of that accumulated under cursor #0. Retraced with event 10051 turned on, indicated they were OPI call type 96, Lob/FILE operations.
So, simple enough, a little over a million calls back on forth on those OPI level calls to get the LOB data. Precious little DB activity.
But, techs with opnet installed and gathering data in different tiers swear there is little time on the network between the app server and the unix host where the database resides, that the time is *in* the DB. He's measuring nic to nic and acknowledgments between the app server and db server host, at least that's the way he described it. DB host is a VM.
So first step is to make sure there isn't some sort of instrumentation bug in Oracle related to LOBS, and that the time I'm showing on sql*net message from client is indeed just that, and not something like "uncounted" CPU. And if it is indeed sql*net message from client, then we can start to look at where that time he shows is "in the database" actually is on that host.
Larry G. Elkins
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Tue Apr 30 2013 - 03:22:44 CEST