Re: oracle dev and policies towards fixing bugs
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 08:49:10 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I understand perfectly. :) To be clear, I am *not* trying to "get oracle to fix a spelling error." Rather, I am questioning the very practices you say are frustrating.
I am also letting off steam after a frustrating week of my own. :) Sorry about that.
On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 2:42 PM, John Hurley <> wrote:
> Charles:
> # I am trying to figure out if my expectations are way too high, or if the
> state of development in general has simply gone astray.
> ...
> Unfortunately almost all of us have been frustrated with oracle support in
> the last 10 years.
> If I understand you correctly you ... you are trying to get oracle to fix
> a spelling error? Calling that a bug and wanting a fix in your current
> environment does seem a little ... pushy ... to me anyhow.
> My most recent ( and still open SR ) concerns a fix that I discovered
> needed to be applied to fix PGA memory leak / ORA 4030 for customers using
> text indexes. ( Bug being fixed is 14367567 ).
> Running a system just cutover on and ran into this bug
> discovered and fixed by Oracle apparently in August 2012. However the
> bug/fix has up to now not been included in many of the subsequent PSUs.
> Oracle has some strange and arcane methodology on how they rate the
> severity/impact/criticality of bugs they admit to and fix. One can attempt
> to question why some bugs are categorized and perhaps at times get them to
> re classify but ... easy to get frustrated in this unlit corridor.
> That leaves most of us open to discovering problems in our production
> systems that have already been discovered elsewhere ( and fixed by oracle )
> that are not yet "ready for prime time" because of how they have been
> categorized or the amount of time and effort that oracle support guesses
> might be necessary to see if the fix interferes with oracle "more
> important" fixes.
> Yes many of us are used to the "it will be included in the next release"
> or next patchset ... ( but not PSU ) ... but not happy about the situation.
> Does that help you understand Charles?
-- Charles Schultz -- on Mon Apr 22 2013 - 15:49:10 CEST