Re: account locking up
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 09:38:07 +0300
Message-Id: <>
All successful and unsuccessful connections is written in database audit trail, try to look at aud$ where you will find username , user host , action_name (logon) , returncode (if you have problems, you will get code 1017)
Best regards,
Senior Oracle DBA
On 2013. gada 11. apr., at 07:53, C P <> wrote:
> All,
> We recently migrated an application into a 11g database in a server. After
> the upgrade one of the accounts necessary for connecting to the DB keeps
> locking up, because some application is trying to log in with wrong
> password. Our application team is unable to come up with a full list of
> servers or locations where the connections could come from. I was trying to
> find the information from the listener log. It has few entries close
> (within a minute or two) the time of lock issues, but the status code is
> '0' which I think indicates a success. I am assuming it is not a failed
> connection. Is there a way in which to figure out where the connections are
> coming from. TIA
> CP.
> --
-- on Thu Apr 11 2013 - 08:38:07 CEST