Web Based SQLPLUS/SQL Developer like tool

From: Dba DBA <oracledbaquestions_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 11:19:27 -0400
Message-ID: <CAE-dsO+qsMk0NiFVTouq8E6KNx1G6LR560=M0x0CuU=mGddUcw_at_mail.gmail.com>

isqlplus has been dessuported in 11g. The only access we get to production is from a locked down box that has a browser and notepad on it and that is about it. We cannot get any additional software installed. so we can run the application through IE on it and that is about it. Is there a query tool we can install on a webserver/application server that we can get into from a browser ?

I am hesitant to try isqlplus since its dessupported with 11g.

Received on Tue Apr 09 2013 - 17:19:27 CEST

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