Re: data pump

From: jo <>
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 08:42:58 +0200
Message-ID: <>

Hi Raj

I realized that my real problem is not on dump, because I can download my database oracle (using cx_Oracle),
large 450 MB,
with 300 tables (1770329 rows)
in about 1 min
and it takes about 7 minutes to upload into postgres

my real problem is to upload a database from postgres into Oracle, because it takes about 11 hours (using cx_Oracle) in the format:

INSERT INTO table (column_list) VALUES (values)

I know this format is extremely slow, in fact for Postgres I'm creating the file in format COPY (columns separated by TAB) and this format is much faster than the INSERTs. It takes 7 minutes to upload into postgres a COPY file format an it takes about 1 hour to upload into postgres an INSERTs file format and
It takes about 11 hours to upload into Oracle an INSERTs file format.

Is there a faster way to upload a db into Oracle from a text file ? something similar to postgres' COPY...


rjamya wrote:
> no text file using datapump ... it is always in custom binary format. You
> can use data unloader at to create csv and load with
> your favorite loader for postgres. or you can roll your own plsql code to
> unload data in other needed format.
> Raj
> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 4:19 AM, jo <> wrote:
>> I'm trying to dump an oracle database to load into postgres using expdp
>> but the result output file is a binary file. Is there a way to create a
>> text file instead?
> --

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Received on Fri Apr 05 2013 - 08:42:58 CEST

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