Re: DBA Humor (Twisted, sick sort of stuff...)
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 16:44:05 +0000
Message-ID: <>
We have a table where certain process on 4g table generates 250gb archive per day.
Why it generates ?
Because they have zillion indexes on very same table and nobody wants to touch
You may also have something similar
It actually started more funnier than this
Before we upgraded the memory they generate less than 100gb per day so they
were not in the radar.
once we add more memory to sga it suddenly started to go crazy without
being in the plan. It took a while for me to understand why it happened
(sometimes more processing power means processing more garbage )
On Mar 26, 2013 9:25 PM, <> wrote:
> Funny thing happened today.
> Database backup for one of my development databases failed last night due
> to a space issue. While fixing that issue today, we received an alert that
> the archivelog space was filling up.
> Now, having sized these things fairly well, and not having these issues
> before, I started poking around (of course).
> We're under some pretty tight deadlines right now and some of our devs
> were being really aggressive with their testing.
> In the last 1.5 days we've generated over 500GB of archivelogs in this
> development instance.
> Here's the kicker/humor:
> The schema data itself is only 300GB! LOL (Personally, I thought that
> was funny)
> So I asked the devs to modify what they're doing and to let me know what
> they need - if they really need to be doing this testing, we'll get the
> space they need.
> Glad I'm on vacation next week...
> Chris Taylor
> Oracle DBA
> Parallon IT&S
> --
-- on Fri Mar 29 2013 - 17:44:05 CET