Re: Beat this....

From: <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 15:58:26 -0500
Message-ID: <>

You've got me beat. The worst I ever saw was 14 Quintillion. You beat me by a solid 4 Quintillion.

Thank you,

William Blanchard | Lead DBA Analyst | OSHKOSH CORPORATION 2211 Oregon St Suite U | Oshkosh, WI 54903 | (: (920) 235-9151 X25271 | �:
(920) 279-1843 | *:

Date: 03/27/2013 03:45 PM

Subject:        Beat this....
Sent by:

This was really neat. I had to look up what comes after 999 trillion to figure out the cardinality, and what comes after 999 quadrillion to figure

out the cost (I added commas for clarity...) SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost,446,744,073,709,551,615)  PX COORDINATOR
  PX SEND* (QC (ORDER)) OF :TQ10023 (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes�4343164)

   SORT* (ORDER BY) (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes�4343164)

    PX RECEIVE* (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes�4343164)

     PX SEND* (RANGE) OF :TQ10022 (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes�4343164)

      VIEW* (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes�4343164)

       WINDOW* (SORT PUSHED RANK) (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes959200936)

        PX RECEIVE* (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes959200936)

         PX SEND* (HASH) OF :TQ10021 (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes959200936)

          WINDOW* (CHILD PUSHED RANK) (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes959200936)

           VIEW* OF VW_FOJ_0 (VIEW) (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 Bytes959200936)

            HASH JOIN* (FULL OUTER) (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality�80028 BytesT31538592)

             PX RECEIVE* (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality'18226 Bytes'1822600)

              PX SEND* (HASH) OF :TQ10019 (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality'18226 Bytes'1822600)

               VIEW* (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality'18226 Bytes'1822600)

                VIEW* (Cost446744073709551615 Cardinality'18226 
                 WINDOW* (NOSORT) (Cost446744073709551615 
Cardinality'18226 Bytes2320170)
                  SORT* (GROUP BY) (Cost446744073709551615 
Cardinality'18226 Bytes2320170)
                   PX RECEIVE* (Cost446744073709551615 
Cardinality'18226 Bytes2320170)
                    PX SEND* (HASH) OF :TQ10016 (Cost446744073709551615 

Cardinality'18226 Bytes2320170)
                     SORT* (GROUP BY) (Cost446744073709551615 
Cardinality'18226 Bytes2320170)
                      MERGE JOIN* (CARTESIAN) (Cost446744073709551615 
Cardinality446744073709551615 Bytes446744073709551615)
                       MERGE JOIN* (CARTESIAN) (Cost76362025929233152 
Cardinality446744073709551615 Bytes446744073709551615)
                        BUFFER* (SORT)
                         PX RECEIVE* (Cost"86295610393 
Cardinality1855153861589624 Bytes14930385155636864)
                          PX SEND* (BROADCAST) OF :TQ10013 

(Cost"86295610393 Cardinality1855153861589624
                           MERGE JOIN* (CARTESIAN) (Cost"86295610393 
Cardinality1855153861589624 Bytes14930385155636864)
                            BUFFER* (SORT)
                             PX RECEIVE* (Cost901253553 
Cardinality%25180646975 Bytes�381322644125)
                              PX SEND* (BROADCAST) OF :TQ10005 

(Cost901253553 Cardinality%25180646975 Bytes�381322644125)
MERGE JOIN (CARTESIAN) (Cost901253553 Cardinality%25180646975 Bytes�381322644125) MERGE JOIN (CARTESIAN) (Cost922413 Cardinality94359075 Bytes2204104275) TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF W_EMPLOYMENT_D
(TABLE) (Cost=8 Cardinality)1 Bytes_at_74)
BUFFER (SORT) (Cost922405 Cardinalitye09825 Bytes529475) TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF
W_WRKFC_EVT_MONTH_F (TABLE) (CostQ280 Cardinalitye09825 Bytes529475)
                                BUFFER (SORT) (Cost901202274 
Cardinality33 Bytes#994)
                                 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF W_MONTH_D (TABLE) 

(Cost=6 Cardinality33 Bytes#994)

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Thank you.
Received on Wed Mar 27 2013 - 21:58:26 CET

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