RE: Spotlight on Oracle
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 13:58:07 -0400
Message-ID: <>
It seems to me that it had a tree view and you could only display one DB at a time. I think you can also display server if SNMP was enabled and maybe some other oddball stuff with plugins. It had a history capability (not sure if I'm remember Spotlight on SQL or Spotlight on Oracle) and you could replay events as they unfolded and map sql running etc against performance events. I liked it. I'm in a full up grid control shop now so I don't need it but if you don't have much budget it is a pretty good solution. I can only imagine that it has been improved over the last 6 or 7 years since I used it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Patterson, Joel []
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 13:37
To: Freeman CTR Donald;; Oracle L
Subject: RE: Spotlight on Oracle
We installed in in the late 90's along with a few we were researching. Like Donald said, it had a nice dashboard.
We installed a few at the time but the lead DBA at the time was looking for one that could display multiple DB's simultaneously on one screen, which was not spotlight. I've slept since then, so the rest is history.
Joel Patterson
Database Administrator
904 928-2790
Joel Patterson
Sr. Database Administrator | Enterprise Integration
Phone: 904-928-2790 | Fax: 904-733-4916!/entint
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From: [] On Behalf Of Freeman CTR Donald
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 12:49 PM
To:; Oracle L
Subject: RE: Spotlight on Oracle
I installed and used it at one place I worked a few years back after we had used Spotlight on SQL. It had a nice console. It is configurable and reports the stuff you need and provides monitoring and alerts. Poor man's grid control.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Root
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 11:16
To: Oracle L
Subject: Spotlight on Oracle
Spotlight on Oracle
A want to ask about Spotlight on Oracle. Is this something that we can trus= t? I mean the information that provide us this software is enough accurate ?&n= bsp; Please share your experience with this.
Stay in touch...
Tiran Harutyunyan
Leading Specialist of Authorization System Administration and Terminal Cert= ification Department Armenian Card CJSC Yerevan, Armenia ICQ: 380016288
Phone: (374 10) 449937
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