Re: copy to oracle option in oracle sql developer
From: Jeff Smith <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 09:13:27 -0400
Message-ID: <>
It will not grab indexes, constraints, or anything else attached to that table, just the table definition and it's data. If you want the rest, better to create and use an official 'migration project' and the Migration Wizard.
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 09:13:27 -0400
Message-ID: <>
It will not grab indexes, constraints, or anything else attached to that table, just the table definition and it's data. If you want the rest, better to create and use an official 'migration project' and the Migration Wizard.
On 3/12/2013 7:25 AM, Oliver wrote:
> Oh I'm sorry, I've seen the option now ;-)
> Regards..
> 2013/3/12 Oliver <>
>> Hi,
>> I'm using oracle sql developer 3.2, last version, I've read documentation,
>> I've tested migrate from sql server to oracle, and it is ok, but I want
>> migrate only a table/view ... so I've read that it comes with a option
>> named Copy to Oracle, but I don't see that option, can someone help me
>> please?
>> I've selected third party connection, but I don't see that option ...
>> Thanks beforehand.
>> Regards...
> --
-- on Tue Mar 12 2013 - 14:13:27 CET