Re: please post your login.sql / glogin.sql [EXAMPLES]
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 09:55:00 +1000
Message-ID: <>
I have:
set pages 80
set lines 200
set pau "But wait! There is more..."
set time on
set ver off
set feed on
set serveroutput on
set editfile afiedt.sql
set colsep '|'
set underline '='
-- supress the blank line after a wrapped record.
set recsep off
set sqlprompt "'['_user'_at_'_connect_identifier'] SQL> '"
set termout on
-- supress the trailing blanks in long fields, both on
-- screen and in the spool file
set trimout on
set trimspool on
set long 10000000
set longchunksize 120
I gave up on selects in the login.sql when SQL*Plus started to re-execute the script whenever you issue "connect". The last select replaces the buffer, so that you can't conveniently execute the same SQL as different users.
On 05/03/13 22:08, Lukas Lehner wrote:
> Hi
> please post your login.sql / glogin.sql
> I need some examples for my environment.
> Lukas
> --
-- on Wed Mar 06 2013 - 00:55:00 CET