Re: please post your login.sql / glogin.sql [EXAMPLES]

From: Norman Dunbar <>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2013 13:20:31 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Hi Lukas,

I don't have much in mine:

define _EDITOR=vi

I would be very wary of adding any SELECT stuff into glogin though. If the database isn't up when you start sql*plus, you get errors and it can lead to you not being able to use some utilities, such as DBUA.

I posted this in a thread some time back - How To Inadvertently Screw Up DBUA - around June last year.

It appeared that other people with other utilities, encountered similar problems.



Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
-- Received on Tue Mar 05 2013 - 14:20:31 CET

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