Re: ASM & split-mirrors

From: Matthew Zito <>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 22:00:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

This blog post describes it in far more detail than I could:

but basically, each disk has its name, its disk group, all of the metadata needed. So ASM sees that it's an ASM disk, looks for the diskgroup name and the disk name, looks at the diskgroup structure, figures out where this disk goes, etc.

All of the LVM-type solutions (ASM is a fairly simplistic one, at least at the level we're talking about here) have this type of model, because it's designed to gracefully handle disk layout changes, addition of new LUNs, etc.


On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 9:34 PM, Hubler, Daniel <>wrote:

> Sounds good.****
> Assuming I do give it the correct set of LUNs to examine,****
> how does it make sense of what it finds?****
> ** **
> That is, it will locate a bunch of LUNs with the proper signature on the
> header,****
> but how does it know what is what? ****
> ** **
> **

Received on Mon Mar 04 2013 - 04:00:22 CET

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