Re: New architecture using Clusterware
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 15:20:02 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hi Marko,
I am interested. May I ask you why you avoided to use ASM as storage manager?
Also, are you using Oracle Linux with fully supported OCFS or Redhat
with the OCFS 1.4?
Did you take a proof of concept of your solution before implementation?
On 17 January 2013 13:32, Marko Sutic <> wrote:
> Hello Dennis,
> we had similar situation as yours with medium-sized databases on Solaris
> servers using VCS.
> For new environment we created active/passive failover clusters using
> Oracle Clusterware on Linux with OCFS2 used for shared storage.
> (knocking on wood) We are running clusters now over a year without any
> problems.
> Just after initial installation we had some storage problems cause of bad
> drivers and lousy FC cables/ports, but after we fixed that everything works
> without any errors.
> Local disks are used for binaries and database files are on OCFS2 mounts.
> For managing resources we're using custom scripts.
> I've heard lots of bad stuff about OCFS2 but I think the most problems
> happen if you use it to store large number of files.
> It is not very flexible system as ASM and maybe it has slightly poorer
> performance then ASM but for us it serves its purpose.
> All my doubts were pointed to OCFS2 and I've spent over a month performing
> various stress/load/failover tests.
> OCFS2 successfully survived all of them.
> Are there better solutions then this, probably, but even on the most
> expensive solutions you could expect bugs and problems.
> Biggest benefit of this solution is cost-effectiveness.
> I hope everything will work fine in next years as it worked till now :-)
> Regards,
> Marko
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Dennis Williams <
>> wrote:
>> List,
>> Traditionally we've supported databases with Solaris servers using VCS.
>> These are medium-sized databases with average availability requirements.
>> Nothing leading-edge.
>> We are considering a new cluster of servers. I'm wondering if Linux and
>> Oracle Clusterware (but not RAC) is a cost-effective solution that would
>> provide adequate availability. Has anyone on this list taken that approach?
>> Thanks,
>> Dennis Williams
>> --
> --
> *----*
> *Marko Sutic*
> My LinkedIn Profile <>
> --
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