Re: Question about resizing datafiles
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 17:39:52 +0800
Message-ID: <>
Hi Mike,
what is the data guard protection mode?. possibly the protection mode would have played a role in log sync waits..have seen high log file sync wait times with maximum protection mode (~2PC with DR site) and data file sync could be also treated as a transaction in some form.
sriram kumar
On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Michael Schmitt <>wrote:
> Hello,
> Does resizing a datafile put any sort of lock on the underlying objects or
> logfiles that would prevent updates from committing? We had an occurrence
> today during a resize of a datafile where the number of sessions doubled
> until it hit the max limit for the database. Grid control is indicating
> that the sessions were waiting on 'log file sync'. This is an
> active dataguard instance (does not use ASM for datafiles), so I was
> thinking perhaps the active dataguard played a role. Otherwise perhaps the
> I/O throughput just went south on us during the resize. The resize was
> adding 5Gig to a 10Gig file. Once the file resize completed, everything
> kind of fell back to normal
> Thanks for any info in advance
> Mike
> --
-- on Tue Jan 08 2013 - 10:39:52 CET