Re: Huge Archive generation causing instance to hang
From: Vasu <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2013 15:34:35 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Comparing the previous and current block change count(segment-wise) helped me in the past.
The rough steps are :
1. Get prev and current date snapshot range by running this script (sqlplus _at_snap.sql)
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2013 15:34:35 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Comparing the previous and current block change count(segment-wise) helped me in the past.
The rough steps are :
1. Get prev and current date snapshot range by running this script (sqlplus _at_snap.sql)
- snap.sql - get snap ids ------------
set verify off
alter session set nls_date_format='YYYYMMDD.HH24MISS';
select distinct snap_id
from dba_hist_snapshot a
where a.begin_interval_time =
(select min(a.begin_interval_time)
from dba_hist_snapshot a
where a.begin_interval_time>=to_date('&idate'));
Run the above script 4 times, to get previous date start and end snaps, and repeat it for the next day. 2. ---------- SQL to verify segment-wise block change history , substitute snap-id's here ----------- select a.instance_number,a.owner,a.object_name,a.blkchg,b.blkchg,trunc(((b.blkchg/a.blkchg)-1)*100) from
select a.instance_number,b.owner,b.object_name, sum(a.db_block_changes_delta) blkchg, sum(a.physical_writes_delta) wrts from dba_hist_seg_stat a, dba_hist_seg_stat_obj b where a.snap_id between 99884 and 99931 -- use prev day snap range and b.dataobj#=a.dataobj# and owner in ('SCHEMA1','SCHEMA2') -- MAJOR SCHEMAS group by a.instance_number,b.owner,b.object_name having sum(a.db_block_changes_delta) > 5000 -- min block change to consider , raise or lower this number order by a.instance_number,owner, 4 desc ) a,
select a.instance_number,b.owner,b.object_name, sum(a.db_block_changes_delta) blkchg, sum(a.physical_writes_delta) wrts from dba_hist_seg_stat a, dba_hist_seg_stat_obj b where a.snap_id between 99932 and 99979 -- use snap range and b.dataobj#=a.dataobj# and owner in ('SCHEMA1','SCHEMA2') group by a.instance_number,b.owner,b.object_name having sum(a.db_block_changes_delta) > 5000 order by a.instance_number,owner, 4 desc ) b where a.instance_number=b.instance_number and a.owner=b.owner and a.object_name = b.object_name- and b.blkchg > (a.blkchg *1.20) -- % increase filter OPTIONAL
order by a.instance_number, a.blkchg desc
In the above SQL , the 1st Sub-Query is to list block changes for prev-day & next is for the current/problematic day. If new segments were created the next day, you need to adjust the query to get them..(using outer join or run sub-query separately).
- and b.blkchg > (a.blkchg *1.20) -- % increase filter OPTIONAL
order by a.instance_number, a.blkchg desc
PS- its a delayed reply.. posting it as this may be of use/corrected
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 09:41:32 +0800
Subject: Re: Huge Archive generation causing instance to hang
From: Sriram Kumar <>
Not sure what version you are on. AWR might not directly indicate which
segment caused high redo. if you have tuning and diagnostic license, you
could query dba_hist_seg_stat for the time period to identify the segments
with maximum block changes and then you could progressively drill down into
dab_hist_sqlstat to identify the exact sql statements that caused the redo
best regards
sriram kumar
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 2:00 AM, Apps DBA <> wrote:
> Hi Gurus, > I am a newbie in reading AWR and concluding the issue lies at some point. > Would require your advice in knowing where the issue lies during my > production hung due to high archive generation today? Basically, redo > generation bumped up caused the alerting mechanism to fail resulting in > instances hung state. Please help me in understanding and analyzing theAWR
> report. > > Thanks, > RK > > > > -- >
-- -Vasu -- on Sun Jan 06 2013 - 22:34:35 CET