ORA-240 in 2 node 11202 RAC (uses asm)
From: rjamya <rjamya_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 08:45:49 -0500
Message-ID: <CAGurbTNWDVQjTQo9t2KhUJZbgWTpnSdXvvNuqxSHZUU15wULBg_at_mail.gmail.com>
For last few days we see that archiver on one of the nodes is reporting ora-240 once a day (only once), during this time sometimes cjq0 also reports that it was unable to spawn process. We have been going back-n-forth with support but their first recommendation to set cell_offload_processing to false hasn't helped. This has not caused any severe issues as yet but getting planned downtime on this specific cluster requires lot of planning and unplanned downtime is definitely not desired. We are planning a 11203 upgrade soon, but planning is the key word at this time.
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 08:45:49 -0500
Message-ID: <CAGurbTNWDVQjTQo9t2KhUJZbgWTpnSdXvvNuqxSHZUU15wULBg_at_mail.gmail.com>
For last few days we see that archiver on one of the nodes is reporting ora-240 once a day (only once), during this time sometimes cjq0 also reports that it was unable to spawn process. We have been going back-n-forth with support but their first recommendation to set cell_offload_processing to false hasn't helped. This has not caused any severe issues as yet but getting planned downtime on this specific cluster requires lot of planning and unplanned downtime is definitely not desired. We are planning a 11203 upgrade soon, but planning is the key word at this time.
Checking with collective intelligence here if I should be looking somewhere which I might have missed? Any ideas? Checked usual searches in Metablink/web but nothing useful as yet.
Thanks in advance
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Wed Jan 02 2013 - 14:45:49 CET