Re: Oracle Stream or Golden Gate?
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 07:52:56 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Bobby for the helpful info. I will start to implement in a test environment once get the Linux box ready. Will let you know how it goes.
From: Bobby Curtis <> To: Lu Jiang <>
Cc: list <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 11:07 PM Subject: Re: Oracle Stream or Golden Gate?
Sorry for taking so long to get back with you. Implementing Golden Gate is not that difficult especially if you are just doing DR (active/passive). Below are some links to documentation and a book that I use when doing Golden Gate implementations. I found that I use the Oracle documentation mostly. It is some of the best documentation I've seen from Oracle in awhile.
Golden Gate Docs: Golden Gate Books:
Let me know if there is anything else you may need.
Bobby L. Curtis(e): | (t): _at_curtisbl294http://dbasolved.comOn 12/4/2012 4:44 PM, Lu Jiang wrote:
>Thanks for the useful information. I will go with Golden Gate.
>Currently we will just use Golden Gate for one way replication (may use it for other purpose in the future). How difficult is the implementation? Are there any good books, or the installation guide / Oracle documentation is good enough?
>Was it a pain to handle DDL with Oracle Stream?
>From: Bobby Curtis
>Cc: list
>Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 2:57 PM
>Subject: Re: Oracle Stream or Golden Gate?
>Good question. I have pulled away from Oracle Streams and gone more
>towards Golden Gate. Depending on what you want to do with Golden Gate,
>it is the better solution. Deploying Golden Gate for just a disaster
>recovery or migration purposes is fairly quick unless you need to
>replicate DDL statements (simple but takes a little longer). Golden
>Gate is flexible and can be used for many different use cases.
>There is always maintenance with any technology you choose to go with.
>Golden Gate, I've found it mostly to be based on the needs of the end
>user. Trail files could take some filesystem space if not applied
>quickly or the extract/replicat processes abend. Overall, I would say
>that Golden Gate would provide less maintenance.
>I'll answer any questions you might have if more details are needed.
>Just let me know.
>Bobby L. Curtis
>(e): | (t): @curtisbl294
>On 12/4/2012 2:47 PM, Lu Jiang wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have to pick one of them - Oracle Stream or Golden Gate for our reporting system (I actually like logical standby since looks we only need an exact copy of prod database for reporting purpose, less maintenance, but it is not an option). The replica reporting db will be a RAC database and reside in the same cluster and same nodes as the prod database.
>> Have done Oracle multi-master advance replication implementation several years ago, I knew it needs a lot of maintenance. Think Oracle Stream had a lot of improvement but I never tried.
>> Have read some articles comparing these two replication products. It seems Oracle stream has no future, Oracle Golden Gate is expected to be the main replication method in the future. Also we may use Golden gate for no down time migration.
>> Could anyone used Oracle Stream and Golden Gate shed some light? Which one is better in terms of deployment and maintenance? Less maintenance is important since we are so busy.
>> Thanks,
>> Lu
>> --
-- on Wed Dec 05 2012 - 16:52:56 CET