Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 13:32:06 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hmm, I don't think lun id has to be unique when the lun is coming from 2 different SAN boxes. WWID might be a better identifier, but you will need to match it with the list of WWID's from the san boxes before you can tell where it is coming from. If these are 2 different type of SAN boxes, you can look into the /sys/block/<sd name>/device/vendor file. Otherwise you have different tools from different vendors, to aid you with identifying from which box a lun originates. For NetApp you have sanlun , which lists you the actual name of the san on which a lun resides.
Perhaps you can find this information also directly in the /sys/ directories, but I have never been able to find where exactly.
Freek D'Hooge
Oracle Database Administrator
tel +32(0)3 451 23 82
-----Original Message-----
From: Shanmugam, Satheesh B []
Sent: woensdag 21 november 2012 12:44
To:;; D'Hooge Freek
Subject: RE: LUN ID
Thanks for response. Let me try to explain what the issue here. We have ASM disk group created with LUNS from different SAN frame. Now as per our standard the diskgroup should have LUNs from same SAN frame. I was thinking getting LUN id will give me some clue. Anyone has better solution than this?
Satheesh Shanmugam
-----Original Message-----
From: GG []
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:07 PM
To: Shanmugam, Satheesh B
Subject: Re: LUN ID
W dniu 2012-11-20 16:16, Shanmugam, Satheesh B pisze:
> We have created asm disk using asmlib and assigned to the diskgroups. This was done a while back. Is there a way now to get LUN ID of these disks? We are in linux running grid.
> Regards,
> Satheesh Shanmugam
Troubleshooting a multi-node ASMLib installation [ID 811457.1] On existing or freshly labelled systems, you can identify and verify the LUNs, scsi IDs and ASM volume labelling on each cluster node with the following command:
|#*blkid|grep sd.*oracleasm|while read a b;do echo -n $a$b" scsi_id=";(echo $a|tr -d [:digit:]|tr -d [:]|cut -d"/" -f3|xargs -i scsi_id -g -s /block/{})done;*|
above is one long line .
Output :
|root_at_rmvsx1:~ # blkid|grep sd.*oracleasm|while read a b;do echo -n
$a$b" scsi_id=";(echo $a|tr -d [:digit:]|tr -d [:]|cut -d"/" -f3|xargs -i scsi_id -g -s /block/{})done;|
|/dev/sda1:LABEL="DATA0" TYPE="oracleasm"
scsi_id=14945540000000000646174612d3000000000000000000000||/dev/sdb1:LABEL="DATA0" TYPE="oracleasm"
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-- on Wed Nov 21 2012 - 13:32:06 CET